3. Add your first company

Before you do anything else, it's time to add a company that your working with into Roll.

On the "Companies" screen (top left menu) do the following:

  1. Select "New Company" and add the details of a company that you wish to setup a project for.
  2. Add any additional contacts you may have for that company.
  3. Ensure that for each new project, you have already entered the company details into the Company's area.

In the future you can add companies on the fly when you enter a new project but following the above will ensure that you have good information related to each company in Roll. Really valuable if you use the "Companies" area in Roll as your primary contact and telephone list for your business.

The "Projects" tab will give you a quick over view of all projects you have going on and have completed for that company and the value of that work - great for working out how valuable the client is to your business.

For Xero users, contact us directly once your Xero account is linked to Roll and we can import your Xero contacts into Roll for you.